Once upon a time, there was a clever little puppy named Tohopekaliga. He was a beautiful puppy. He was a spoiled puppy. He was an inventive puppy.
One day, Tohopekaliga's Mommy brought a big, green, thing into the house.

She called it a Christmas tree. Tohopekaliga saw an opportunity for adventure! However, his Mommy did not appreciate Tohopekaliga's adventurous spirit. She liked her Christmas tree intact. And so, the annual Christmas contest began! Tohopakaliga was a very good player.
Every year, Tohopekaliga would choose one ornament on the tree which he particularly liked. He liked it so much, that he had to have it for his own. And so he would remove it from the tree. Mommy did not like this and was determined to prevent Tohopekaliga from removing decorations off the tree.

Mommy started by putting mousetraps all around the tree. At first they frightened little Tohopekaliga. But soon he discovered that if he walked to the edge of the traps and leaned ever so carefully over them, he could still reach the tree. So his Mommy brought in more mousetraps and made a bigger circle further out from the tree. She thought that if she moved her line of defense out far enough, Tohopekaliga would not be able to reach the tree. But Tohopekaliga, being a clever little guy, began to cogitate (think). He cogitated and he cogitated and he cogitated, until the light bulb in his little head went 'blink'.

Tohopekaliga discovered, that if he pushed ever so gently with his nose, he could move the mousetraps away from the tree and gain access. Tohopekaliga's Mommy finally resorted to surrounding the tree with chairs. Tohopekaliga could not get around the chairs so Mommy won that round. But, Christmas comes again next year.
On his next Christmas, Tohopekaliga's Mommy put up the green "opportunity" again. And once again she hung pretty things on it and put the chairs around it. Tohopakaliga, the clever little puppy smiled. You see, the clever little puppy was not so little anymore. He just stood

right up on those chairs and removed the "toy" of his choice. Mommy put all the chairs away and took all the "toys" off the bottom half of the tree. Mommy won the round again but the game was far from over. Every year after that Mommy put up the green "opportunity" and hung "toys" on the top half only. Of course Mommy was always explaining to her friends that the thing looked so empty because she had ' 'dogs'. "What's a dog?" Tohopekaliga wondered.
And then came the year of the "Great Upheaval". Suddenly, nothing was the same. They were living in a big, different house. Mommy put gates across the doors so Tohopekaliga could not get into all the rooms. He was very sad and missed his old home VERY much. But then one day he saw it; that big green thing, just over the gate and across the room. Somehow it made him feel a little bit better. Not a lot! Just a little bit. Once again the gauntlet had been thrown. And even though he did not feel like playing the 'game', Tohopekaliga just had to make an effort. As soon as Mommy left, he jumped

the gate and went to visit his old friend, 'the Christmas Tree'. But even that could not lift his spirits enough to play the 'game'. He left the "toys" on the tree. However, though he did not feel like playing the 'game' Tohopekaliga could not give up completely. So he left his calling card on the rug, just so Mommy would know he had been there. And another Christmas passed.
Well they moved again. But this time Mommy said "This is IT! Get used to it!" So he did. And after a long time, that green "opportunity" came into the house again. But this time, Mommy thought the 'game' was over. You see, since Tohopekaliga had not removed anything the year before, Mommy thought he had matured. And being a clever little puppy, Tohopekaliga left the tree alone to lull Mommy into a false sense of security. He waited a few days and then "Let the games begin!" Every night when Mommy came home she found a single ornament on the floor. It

was never damaged and the tree was not disturbed. Mommy would put the ornament back on the tree in a little higher place, and every night she would find the same ornament on the floor. It was a very challenging and enjoyable time for Tohopekaliga. He enjoyed the game so much that he played it a long time before destroying his Christmas "toy". "Next year I will WIN!" Mommy said. And another Christmas passed.

e next year Mommy rose to the challenge. Instead of the usual "toys", she put fake poinsettias all over the tree. She smiled at Tohopekaliga and said "This will be our 'learning tree'. I will hang bells on the tree. When you go into it I will hear the bells

and come and teach you." And that is just what she did. But remember, Thopekaliga was a very clever guy. And the only thing the 'learning tree' taught was just how clever he was. Mommy spied one day to see how Tohopekaliga got the ornament off the tree. He had discovered the trick. If he stood on his back paws and ever so gently slid his nose in between the branches, he could avoid the bells. He had to be very careful not to to

uch the tree with his front paws. You know, even a very forgiving Mommy will be come angry if you knock the Christmas tree down. And another Christmas passed.
The next year Mommy was very determined. She was tired of games and wanted a decorated tree again. So Mommy ordered a special tree all the way from North Carolina. She bought all new white and gold "toys" to put on the tree. She wrapped the tree in golden lights. It was a beautiful tree.., And NO Bells! Mommy stood back and admired her work. She smiled at Tohopekaliga and said "Not this year my boy". And then IT happened. Mommy put a four foot fence around the Christmas tree!

Tohopekaliga cogitated and cogitated. He cogitated for four days, and then he smiled. That night when Mommy came home, she found the remnants of a single ornament on the floor. The fence had not been moved and the tree had not been disturbed. Mommy just looked at Tohopekaliga and smiled. "What a clever little boy you are. Next year I suspend the tree from the ceiling!"
This is a true story. None of the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Thopekaliga, Toppie for short, was a real dog and I was his Mommy. He was born on the banks of Lake Tohopekaliga in Kissimmee, Fl. The lake was referred to as a sleeping tiger. When the lake slept it was placid and calm, but when the lake awoke it roared like a tiger. Toppie was a lot like that lake. Normally he was a sweet little boy, but when he roared he ROARED! Now why you might ask did I continuously refer to Toppie as Tohopekaliga. Well it was his name and besides I just like to say the word Tohoekaliga. (To·ho·pe·kal·i·ga)