Friday, September 30, 2011

Home Wanted

My current name is Lucksey-Wiggles and I'm looking for someone to love me and let me love them. I used to live in a place with a lot of other dogs. The people didn't take very good care of us. (I overheard they went to jail.) It was dirty and there were lots of flies that would bite us all the time. We ate off the ground and had to fight for whatever we could get. I was one of the little guys, so I didn't get very much food and was real skinny. Then the nice people from animal control came and took us away. They found homes for all the other dogs except me. I guess nobody wanted me because I walk funny and have something wrong with my heart. But I can be a very good dog. I can sit and lay down and touch my nose to your hand. I am little and would not take up much space. Finally, a very nice lady from Gwinnett Animal Hospital took me away and I stayed at the clinic for a little while. They took real good care of me. They looked me all over, inside and out and gave me a nice bed and a bubble bath. There was lots of good stuff to eat. But THAT can't be my forever home. So now I am staying at another lady's house. She takes good care of me too, but says that she is NOT my forever home either. It is nice here and there are other dogs to play with. But I need a REAL home with people who are ALL MINE. If you take me home I will love you SOOO MUCH!

Lucksey - Wiggles is a Beagle Pug mix who weighs about 16 punds. She is approximately 2-3 years old. She has some medical problems with her heart and legs which are easily managed. Sadly, I can't give her the home she needs and deserves. Can You? For more information contact Andrea at Gwinnett Animal Hospital, 770 972 0447,

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